Finding a Career at SouthArk

Finding a Career at SouthArk

If you are looking for a career at SouthArk, there are many career opportunities that can be used in education and beyond. You can learn things that are applicable at multiple levels, like those that involve foreign languages, health and well-being, or skilled trade

1. Linguistic Trades

With so much interconnectivity today in the world, it makes sense that linguistic trades would be rising in demand. A linguistic trade would include any career path that you can make at SouthArk which subsequently leads to opportunities involving multiple languages. This can extend to hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, airlines, trains, international businesses, construction, art and education.  While there are hundreds of languages around the world, a few in particular offer the highest opportunity to work in other countries or to be the translator for other organizations.   

French Courses are for those who want to turn their love of foreign languages, the French language in particular, into a successful profession and a lifelong beneficial tool. Learn about pronunciation, stress and intonation. French courses focus on first learning basic fundamentals such as the alphabet, nouns, articles, and demonstratives. These courses teach you subject pronouns, conjugating two basic verbs “to have” and “to be”, as well as the verb “to know” as it applies to people and places, numbers, counting, and colors.  You will learn present, past, and future tenses.  How do you say “I went” versus “I go”? How do you include question words, or interrogatives? Also, a well-trained French-speaker will always know some common phrases such as greetings, salutations, and the differences between formal and informal. These French courses include in-depth information about days of the week, months, years, seasons, directions, placement, weather, and telling time.    

As these concepts go hand in hand with fundamentals of French culture; French speakers learn about the culture, the food, arts, politics, geography, and values, and slang words. Pluralizing nouns, learning adjectives, and picking up verbs along the way will increase your skills as well as teach you the exceptions to the rules. These detailed courses lead you on the path to become a professional French speaker, as well as earning the respect of being able to speak a foreign language. 

2. Cosmetology Studies

career optionsCosmetologist studies come in all shapes and sizes. Most importantly when researching cosmetologist studies is determining whether or not they are accredited. Accredited institutions meet the requirements of the accrediting board and are therefore able to receive financial aid from the government. In order to obtain a cosmetology license, students need to graduate from cosmetologist studies and become eligible to take their state cosmetology licensing exam. In order to qualify for this, you must meet the individual requirements of the state in which you want to practice.  Before considering cosmetologist studies you should consider these individual requirements as they vary in terms of age, admittance criteria, and hour requirements. 

In order to attend cosmetologist studies you will generally need a high school diploma or an equivalent GED. Some cosmetologist studies also have a minimum age requirement to qualify for admissions. Often the age requirements range from the age of sixteen years to the age of twenty three years. In some states you might meet the minimum age requirement but not have a high school diploma or the equivalent GED which means you are required to take an additional entrance exam.   Each state has a Board of Cosmetology which is responsible for listing the individual state requirements for entrance into cosmetologist studies. After you have graduated from cosmetologist studies you need to take and pass your particular state’s cosmetology licensing exam. These exams are administered by the Board of Cosmetology which includes a written portion alongside a practical portion so that you are able to demonstrate the abilities you acquired while attending cosmetologist studies. 


3. Trades With A Sure Future 

You can also find a skilled trade, and become the best locksmith in your area. Trades with a short future include skills like being a locksmith, being an electrician, or being a plumber. These are trades that require a specific set of skills which every company and every home needs no matter where you live. The reason this is a trade with a secure future is that you can take your skills and apply them to any city or any state after you finish your education. What's more, you can work with already established companies by taking advantage of franchise opportunities where the majority of the business has already been set up for you, and you can capitalize on an existing brand name no matter where you live.