Studying at SouthArk College

Studying at SouthArk College

studying to learn and earnIf you are considering studying at SouthArk College, you might wonder what it is you should study, what type of skill or career you really want, and how to go about making your dreams a reality. The truth is that you can study just about anything whether it is a skilled trade applicable to a lifetime career or an undergraduate or graduate degree that helps you take your career on a more academic and administrative path. 


Personal Assistant

When you graduate you have the opportunity to do many things like work as a personal assistant. A personal assistant is a great opportunity for you to work from home and telecommute the majority of the time that you do things like check email on behalf of your employer, keep updated versions of contact lists, maintain their schedule online, and handle things like phone calls. 

Alternative Energy

With alternative energy training you will receive energy training courses on green energy as well as pivotal online solar training, photovoltaic training courses, pv solar courses, pv solar installation training, pv solar training, renewable energy courses, renewable energy training that leaves you with a complete renewable energy education. With the PV training course you will learn the aspects related to sizing a solar pv system. Using solar energy class participants can gain the knowledge they need to continue with future solar energy classes and achieve a complete solar energy education. Solar energy course provides training for solar energy installers. Each solar energy online course can demonstrate the tactics behind solar energy panels, solar heating, solar installations, a solar power installer, and solar pv system components needed for solar pv system sizing.  Participants utilizing solar energy courses and solar energy training courses, even solar online training will be certified as solar panel installers ready for solar panel installations. Understanding solar panels and solar photovoltaic panels is only one part of the solar power education. Each lesson on the use of solar power panel installation toward going green encompasses the necessary knowledge and skills to leave participants confident in solar power renewable energy, solar power panels, solar pv installation, solar pv sizing, and solar pv training. 


If you get a degree in data science, you can work in many fields.   Who could you work for? 

  • National or state governments
  • Consulting and Reporting companies
  • Local authorities
  • Market research companies
  • Research Institutes 

Average salary is $84,060. The median income level, representing the middle of the road for people within this occupation is around $84,000 a year. The lowest 10% of statisticians earn $52,000 a year but the highest 10% earn $162,000 per year.  What would you do?  A statistician extracts data from different databases using various statistical tests and methods. With a career as a statistician you will have to make sure that the final conclusions you have gathered from data are not only high-quality conclusions but valid conclusions. If you have a masters in data science you can compliment your skills and knowledge with a degree in statistics to increase your chances of Landing a more lucrative job.

Program or Project Manager

Any project that takes place needs a project manager or program manager. As a project manager you can literally work for any company. Any company that has multiple projects will need a project manager.  The average salary is $132,000 but the base salary for a project manager range is between $118,000 and $150,000 per year. The average base salary hovers around $132,000 but many companies also offer additional compensation for such a position in the form of bonuses and benefits.  As a project manager your job would be to influence business decisions but only after you have evaluated data provided by different operational departments within a given company. You will be responsible for planning projects, making sure project outputs meet required standards, and guaranteeing that projects stick to the established budget. In some companies project managers have to understand statistics so you can enhance your master's degree with courses in statistics or management, even certifications as a project manager.

Learning a Trade

Alternatively, learning a skilled trade, like that of an emergency locksmith, can also give you great opportunities. In fact, any type of skilled trade like plumbing, electrician, or locksmith is an opportunity for you to work with already established companies, and never run out of job opportunities. These are things that will be needed by every organization, every business, every office, every home, forever.  Becoming a skilled emergency locksmith means you are there when people have an emergency, whether that emergency is locking their keys in their car, having their office broken into and needing new locks immediately, or repairing damage so that these types of accidents don't happen.


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